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Network - DJ2017 - DK singer tadashige Remix as boundless as the sea and sky

累计签到:654 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2017-7-7 11:22:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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Beyond as boundless as the sea and sky
Wong Ka Kui
Mixing; Lao Zhong Zhong
Today I see the snow drifting in the night
With a cooling heart. Drifting far away
Chasing after the wind and rain
The fog is not clear.
Who of you and me
Can change (who is not changing)
How many times against the cold and ridicule
Never give up the ideal of the heart
Instant trance
The feeling of something missing
Imperceptibly faded
My heart loves (who knows me)
Forgive me for my life, uninhibited indulgence, love freedom
And I'm afraid I'll fall someday
Abandoned ideal, anyone can
I'll be afraid of one day, just you and me
Today I see the snow drifting in the night
With a cooling heart. Drifting far away
Chasing after the wind and rain
The fog is not clear.
Who of you and me
Can change (who is not changing)
Forgive me for my life, uninhibited indulgence, love freedom
And I'm afraid I'll fall someday
Abandoned ideal, anyone can
I'll be afraid of one day, just you and me
Still free self
Sing my song forever
Travel thousands of miles
Forgive me for my life, uninhibited indulgence, love freedom
And I'm afraid I'll fall someday
Abandoned ideal, anyone can
I'll be afraid of one day, just you and me
Abandoned ideal, anyone can
I'll be afraid of one day, just you and me
Forgive me for my life, uninhibited indulgence, love freedom
And I'm afraid I'll fall someday
Abandoned ideal, anyone can
I'll be afraid of one day, just you and me

Engineering document

Engineering document

Network - DJ2017 - DK singer tadashige Remix as boundless as the sea and sky.zip

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Engineering document

累计签到:56 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2017-7-11 10:02:06 | 显示全部楼层
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(出处: FL Studio 中文官方网站)
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